These pictures were taken back in the Fall (2008) at preschool. Sarah Grace was "star of the week". As star of the week, you get to walk through this curtain which cheers, help the teacher, bring snack, pass out snack, sit on a star mat, be line leader, get the picture. Sarah Grace REALLY enjoyed being star of the week. Being the center of attention is always a good thing as far as she is concerned! She told me the other day, "Mommy, there is NOTHING better than a party!" and all of her expectations for her upcoming birthday party. This is a little worrisome for me because we kind of went overboard with Sam's this year....we had a family gathering on a Sunday, dinner out on the actual birthday, and a birthday party for his friends at the bowling alley.....I'm not sure if I am willing to go through this all again with Sarah Grace, but I'm going to have to figure something out!
Last year, Sarah Grace and her best little girlfriend (whose Mom happens to be a dear friend of mine) went out for their first pedicures (Moms, too!) followed by lunch at PF Chang's. I need to start thinking about this she clearly is!
LOVE all this. So glad you are blogging! I will keep up with it.