Wednesday, May 13, 2009

If you give a girl a dinosaur...

This one was supposed to be last...we found a wooly worm on our walk which Sarah Grace adored and allowed to crawl all over her. Towards the end of the walk a pre-teen girl in our neighborhood informed us that some caterpillars are poisonous. Fortunately for us, this one was not! She named it "Turtle" because it moved very slowly. She played with it for over an hour so sweetly then threw it in the water table where I had to rescue it from being drowned. :)
If you give a girl a dinosaur........she will bathe it with water from the table and blue sidewalk chalk "paste" (this is what happens to sidewalk chalk that is left out in the rain and then trampled on by little feet....warning: do NOT try this at home!)

Bathing dinosaurs with blue sidewalk chalk paste makes little girls very happy!

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